On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Herman Bruyninckx wrote:

> I'm following the Dia mailinglist for some time already; I've looked at the
> code itself too. And this makes me feel a bit uncomfortable with Dia on the
> following points:
> - I have the very strong impression that Dia is completely linked with GTK.
>   Not that I don't like GTK, but wouldn't it be better/possible to separate
>   the functionality from the display? So that Dia could be used as a library
>   in other open source projects.
Dia is a graphical program. There is no way around it. It needs a GUI
toolkit. What parts are there you want "separated"? 
> - What is the vision of the Dia developers on the open standard Modelica
>   modelling language (www.modelica.org)? Modelica is a modeling language
>   to describe physical systems. Supporting it in Dia wouldn't be too
>   difficult, I guess, and make Dia useful in a large community.

Actually i know some Modelica.

Modelica, like UML can be used to desribe Models of systems, be it
electrical circuits or pneumatic systems. This is *not* what Dia does, Dia
draws pretty graphics, and so I've told everyone that thinks it's easy to
tranform Dia into a full UML program. 

It is not easy, Dia contains none of the structure that such a model
contains, it describes a graphical diagram, and only that. Extending it to
encompass a specific structural model (be it UML, modelica or whatever)
will take a lot of work and will result in a program structured
quite different from Dia, so different in fact, that i think it would be
easier to just start from scratch. 

/ Alex

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