I am so lucky as to have a newcomer to Dia (with a little Visio experience
I think) in the same office.  So I'm getting a lot of feedback from him,
and I'll flow it all onto the list (which has been too quiet for my taste
for a while:).  This is all with Dia 0.85 running under Windows (yes, I
know it's horrible, but I have no choice during the summer).

The Delete and Insert buttons should be bound to Cut and Paste.
Reset tools after create should be the default -- most people seem to
  expect this.
Tool-tips with some of the most commonly unnoticed features would be nice
  (Gimp has it, so why not we?).  
The page indication on the diagram (the blue lines) should be
manipulateable -- possibly with little things on the rulers.
Personalizing sheets -- sometimes there's a shape on another sheet that you
  use frequently.  Would be neat to be able to move them around.
For the arrow manipulation properties, it would be neat with a little
  picture of the arrow that you can drag the size with, instead of the
  numerical inputs.
The widgets for color, line size and line style should be used in the
  property dialogs, instead of having two different ways of specifying the
  same properties.
The Scroll tool is a bad metaphor:  You should have a hand that
  grabs the diagram.
Page setup or the export dialog should have an option to set size in
When the Magnify tool is selected, the cursor should be a magnifying
Save As vs. Export is a confusing distinction.  They should be combined,
  but have some warning when saving to non-readable formats.
Is it possible to make keyboard shortcuts for menus (probably a GTK
  question, this would fit well with the shortcuts you see on normal menus,
  and that Windows users are very used to).
Edit grid should contain "Visible" and "Snap" options, as well as color and
The "Zoom: xxx%" part of the status bar should have a zoom menu.
A difficult one:  Have some way to edit the objects in a group without
  dissolving the group.  Maybe 'open' the group like Xfig?
When the Export dialog is opened, the filename ends in .dia if you've
  saved, it should be set to what the currently selected file type uses.
Could the keyboard shortcuts be different while editing text?  I tend to
  use ^D to delete chars, some PC users use Home and End to go to start and
  end of line, etc.  You could even have selectable keybindings for that,
  so people can use what they're used to.  Perhaps there should be a
  distinction between editing text and having some text selected,

More will be coming.


Lars Clausen (http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/~lrclause) | Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I    | Retainer of Sir Kegg
will defend to the death your right to say it."    |   of Westfield
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire   | Chaos Berserker of Khorne

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