Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> merge 7338 13907 14348 14978
[#7338] dia crashed when switching anti-aliasing on (Other Crash at
[#13907] Anti-aliased crash
[#14348] dia crashes
[#14978] Crash occurs on anti-aliasing of existing flowchart
[#7369] Selected Anti aliased
[#7462] dia crashes on window resize
[#7773] Dia crashes switching to anti-aliased mode
[#8387] dia crash (Other Crash at
[#8388] dia crashes
[#8467] Crashed when trying to move Network/Cloud object
[#8901] Anti-Aliasing causes crash (Other Crash at
[#9166] setting display to "antialiased" cause core dump
[#9183] crashed on maximize
[#9779] Antialiasing Causes Seg Fault
[#9805] Crash
[#10834] Dia
[#10861] dia: Crash if anti aliased is selected (Other Crash at
[#12789] Crash on adding Object to disgram
[#13023] Seg fault
[#13598] Crash on Resize of Main Window
Merged 7338 7369 7462 7773 8387 8388 8467 8901 9166 9183 9779 9805 10834 10861 12789 
13023 13598 13907 14348 14978.

> --
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

(administrator, Gnome ticket database)

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