
I`ve been using Dia 0.85 for a little while now, and I've found a few
unfortunate problems... I hope that this is the right place for bug

I have downloaded yesterday's version from cvs. The following problems

  1. Create a polygon object and give it a fill colour other  than
     black. Then copy/paste it. The fill colour turns black.

I had the following annoyances with 0.85 (from Helix Code), which seem
to be fixed in yesterday's cvs version:

  1. Copy/Paste of an ojbect which is linked to another object, but not
     copying the link, caused an assert failure.
  2. Copy/Paste of multiple objects didn't work unless the objects were

Thanks for creating Dia!

I have also just recently found another vector drawing program, called
sketch (http://sketch.sourceforge.net/index.html). It has very different
goals to dia, but I think I will find it useful to have them both.


Ben Stanley               |    barf  [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN,
PhD Student               |       and everybody barfed." - From the Shogakukan
SITACS                    |       DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second Edition)
University of Wollongong  |
Australia                 |    http://www.uow.edu.au/~bds02

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