On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, Arjan J. Molenaar wrote:

> > * Export drawings to Rationals .mdl format. (I have some 
> > windows people
> > here in my office...)
> That's a hard one! I've examined the Rose format and I think it's not
> do-able with the current amount of information that DIA knows about.

It may be easier to look at an XMI output filter (well, one that can
output as much info as dia stores).  It would probably be fairly easy to
implement this as an export filter stored in the UML plugin (this way
knowledge of the internal structure formats is centralised in that

I tried looking at the XMI spec from www.omg.org once, but it was very
difficult to understand (it seemed worse than the CORBA spec).

> > I dont know if that last point is possible but it would be a big
> > advantage for your program.
> Sure! So is Visio in-/output.

Just a reminder again, if anyone does write a filter like this, they can
collect a few thousand dollars (but then, the fact that the bounty hasn't
been claimed yet gives some indication of the difficulty of this problem).

> Regards,
> Arjan


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