On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Rogier Thissen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have created some custom shapes for dia 0.85 using xml/svg files. The
> shapes are installed with the other shapes
> (/usr/local/share/dia/shapes/myshapes). I also made an accompanying
> myshapes.sheet in the /usr/local/share/dia/sheets directory.
> It works OK: I can make nice diagrams using my newly made shapes and i
> can save and export the diagrams.
> But I *CANNOT* load my saved diagrams back into dia !??!, which is quite
> annoying!
> Dia says: 'Could not determine which import filter to use to open
> '/home/jan/123diatest'

Since dia-0.85, dia trys to guess the import filter based on the
extension.  Using .dia as the extension will work.  If you have a file
with a different extension and you are sure of its type, you can select
that type from the option menu.

This works the same way as the gimp load/save dialogs.

> Please help me!
> Rogier Thissen


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