
Dia 0.86 does not appear to support the latest version of libxml
(2.2.10). Using 2.2.0 version is fine.

The trouble is that, when saving a diagram, the following message is
xmlNewGlobalNs() deprecated function reached
but the file is -almost- correctly saved.

Then, when you re-open the file, dia does not recognize it.
In fact, the 2nd line of the file is only "<diagram>", when dia expects:
<diagram xmlns:dia="http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/">"

Any patch available (or a new version coming soon) ?

Thank you.
| Bertrand DECOUTY              | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| IRISA - INRIA (Atelier)       | PHONE : 0299847346 / 0299847100    |
| Campus de Beaulieu            | FAX   : +33 (0) 299842534          |
| F-35042 Rennes Cedex - FRANCE | http://www.irisa.fr/               |

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