On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Steffen Macke wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having problems building the dia documentation:
> * The note/tip icons don't show up in the HTML.
> * The screenshot images have the extension *.gif in the HTML instead of *.png
> Could this problem be related to a wrong stylesheet?

Yes.  Docs written by the GDP use a variant of Docbook that allows PNG
images (this was done as a temporary measure until an updated DTD is
released that could use PNGs).  It can be grabbed from the GDP website
(somewhere on http://developer.gnome.org/).

I don't know about the first problem though.  Note that an HTML version of
the docs will be included in the tarball, so db2html will only be required
if you are building out of CVS (and even then, it may compile and install
okay without docs (haven't tested this though)).


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