> > - work on all major platforms, (Does this include Gnome 1.4; 
> >   anyone using Gnome 1.4 out there ?)
> > - make available all the bugfixes since the last official
> >   version (Dia 0.86 has had some serious problems with some
> >   menu actions, see: Objects/Align/Equal Distance thread.
> >   Are there any *users* out there ?)
> > - contain less bugs/more features than the previous release
> > - silence complaining about bugs, which got fixed month ago
> > - be localized properly ?
> I think one of the biggest features would be increasing extensibility or
> providing more and easier to find documentation on extending dia, be it
> plugins or tools that work along side Dia.

I would like to vote for a shapes catalog/plugin scheme. I have tried to
insert the Logic shapes into my (.86) install, and it does not work. I
have sent this out to the list but recieved no correct answer. It seems
that there are others of you that have created shapes and even shape
libraries. Maybe a central repository for them? 

If someone can help me get Logic shapes working, I will help maintain this
aspect (provided others agree it is a good idea) :)

--Karim Nassar

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