just curious where the peeps who were going to do some more documentation
have got to.. any news? urls? agendas?

I am just working on a guide to creating, parsing and manipulating Dia's
XML format - if you are very very lucky I might even do an annotated
version of the DTD, but don't hold your breath and somebody who created it
or works with it more than me might be better at it. Anybody who knows teh
DTD or is involved in how Dia mucks about with its XML can you conact me
on or off list?

The guide will consist mostly of recycled AutoDIAL
(http://www.droogs.org/autodial/) code and documentation although I'm
reading up on various bits of Dia so expect to see some of the FAQ in
there and some pointers to IBM deverloperworks research papers on using
xml and perl. Also the tutorial will be perl oriented because thats how I
parse XML because nothing else has teh sheer power and versatility of

Anybody interested in contributing to it please respond on or off list. in
case you're wondering several friends have asked me to explain how to do
some stuff with Dia XML and rather than work out their problems I'm just
doing this guide to keep them off my back *grin*.




<spam product="autodial" category="press release">
AutoDIAL is now at version 0.04, it finds some attributes and most methods
and handles most perl code. version 0.05 will be mostly optimisations and
bug fixes (although nobody has sent me any bugs on it yet) and will the
beta before I release version 1.0. from there I plan to add support for
multiple languages and also provide a way of choosing whether to output to
dia or graphviz.


.sig is currently undergoing engineering works, please change at
piccadilly circus.

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