On Wed, 9 May 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi,
> wouldn't it be nice to have fallbacks in RenderOps, lika a DrawArrowFunc,
> which would only be called, when set. Otherwise lines could be used.
> the same way you could think of other fallbacks, for recangles, lines, if
> there would be a DrawPointFunc, etc. this way you could implement a new
> renderer with only implementing a very basic set of functions, eg a line.

Interesting idea -- have drawRectangle, drawPolyline etc fall back to
drawLine could be useful.  But for arrowheads, it would require a very
different approach, since the arrow information is still separate from the
line information.

> i think this way it would be very easy, for example to write graphic
> format renderers.

That would help get a trivial renderer up.


Lars Clausen (http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/~lrclause) | Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I    | Retainer of Sir Kegg
will defend to the death your right to say it."    |   of Westfield
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire   | Chaos Berserker of Khorne

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