Salutos ba totos/ Saludos a todos.
    En esta carta voy a practicar un poco  la "descortesía lingüística intencionada". 
Voy a poneros un mensaje de cierta longitud sólo en tino y que trata de temas básicos 
con bastante importancia sobre el multilingüismo. Puedo hacerlo en castellano, puedo 
hacerlo en inglés o puedo hacerlo con interlineado de tino y castellano. Pero, como 
auxilingüista que soy, en esta lista tengo un derecho a expandir el tino sin 
supeditarlo al castellano, y menos aún al inglés.
    El hecho es que quien esté muy interesado en mi respuesta consultará el folleto 
del tino, disponible en la sección de documentos o periódicamente pegado como mensaje 
de texto. Con esa consulta y la gramática neolatina del tino es imposible que se le 
haga cuesta arriba comprender el texto. Más le costará al usuario medio de la lista 
Ideolengua coger el siguiente texto reciente aparecido en ella, y sólo en inglés.


I was wondering if anyone was ever going to post to this list. A week or so
ago i decided to create a conlang database to store data on people's
conlangs. While there are plenty of pages with long lists of links to
conlangs, i decided i wanted something better. Those lists are generally
non-categorized or are only categorized under basic categories, and since
they are under the control of one person, are notoriously outdated much of
the time.

What i am doing is creating an automated conlang database. Each conlanger
will register themselves, and then they would be able to add, delete, and
modify entries on their conlangs as they see fit. Also, the database would
have a powerful search feature that would allow you to sift through the
languages based on particular classifications. (if you prefer the term
auxlanger, substitute that where appropriate).

I have already been getting ideas and suggestions from the conlang list, but
i'd like some input from the auxlang side too. Since most people are two
lazy to click on links, i'll just paste the categorization info here that i
have so far. The latest version is always available at the webpage.

1. Basic information:

language name
previous language names
author's name
world location of author
webpage url
language creation date
date added to database
date db entry last modified

2. Current language status:
current development status
estimated fluent users (speaking, reading, writing)
estimated familiar users
vocabulary size
estimated date of usability

3. Con-world information
number of fictional users
fictional world location

4. The language in use:
writing system
example written sentence (sentence, gloss, and translation)
pictorial sample of script
audio sample

5. Language classification:
basic description
language family
grammar details
design motivation
primary vocabulary source
primary vocabulary derivation method
secondary vocabulary source
secondary vocabulary derivation method


Here are some more details on the different parts of the language

A. Grammar

phonology: number of sounds
morphology: isolation vs affixation
morphology: agglutination vs inflection
syntax: word order (SVO, SOV, etc)
syntax: number of cases used (nominative, accusative, ergative, etc)
syntax: number of tenses (past, present, future)

B. design motivation

1. personal
1.1 secret language
1.2 hobby language
1.9 other
2. artistic
2.1 sci-fi/fantasy/conculture
2.1.1 human speakable
2.1.2 alien-speakable only
2.2 historical
2.3 naming language
2.9 other
3. auxiliary
3.1 international
3.2 reform
3.9 other
4. experimental
4.1 logical
4.2 hypothetical
4.9 other

C. Vocabulary Source

1. A posteriori
1.1 Indo-European languages
1.1.1 Romance-based Latin French Spanish Other specific Romance language
1.1.2 Germanic-based English German Other specific Germanic language
1.1.3 Baltic- and Slavonic-based Slavonic-based languages (proper) North-Slavonic languages Baltic-based
1.1.4 Celtic-based Celtic-based languages (proper) Celto-Romance languages Celto-Germanic languages
1.1.5 Other (existing) Indo-European branches Indo-Iranian-based languages Greek-, Armenian-, Albanian- and Illyrian-based languages Hettite- and Tocharian-based languages
1.2 Non-Indo-European languages
1.2.1 Uralic-based languages
1.2.2 Afro-Asiatic-based languages
1.2.3 other Asiatic or Austronesian languages
1.2.4 other African languages
1.2.5 Native American languages
1.3 Artificial languages
1.3.1 Esperanto
1.3.2 Artificial language ancestor
1.3.3 other artificial language
2. A priori
2.1 Speakable
2.1 Unspeakable
2.1.1 Pasigraphies (picture languages)
2.1.2 Number languages
2.1.3 Pasimologies (sign/gesture languages)
2.1.4 Musical languages

D. Vocabulary Derivation Method

1. a posteriori
1.1 unaltered (grammar modifications only)
1.2 natural evolution (descendent)
1.3 modification
1.3.1 phonological modification
1.3.2 simplification
1.3.3 spelling reform
1.4 blend (words borrowed multiple language sources)
1.4.1 unaltered borrowing
1.4.2 phonological filtering
1.4.3 word blend (words blended from multiple sources)
2. a priori
2.1 categorical/logical generation
2.2 arbitrary generation
2.3 automated random generation";

    Por su parte, David Sánchez dice: "En unos 200 años el número de lenguas habladas 
en el mundo probablemente podrá ser la mitad! de lo q q es ahora mismo. Tal vez esto 
solo agrade a los auxilingüístas q cada año tienen 3 o 4 competidores menos ;-) pero 
por lo q respecta a la diversidad cultural me parece una pena." . Y Antonio añade: 
"Este proceso de uniformización de las lenguas parece imparable. Quizás la Auxilengua 
del futuro venga por sí sola, visto el panorama.".

    Y respondo esto.

    nosos, creantos mas parolantos de planlinguos, senpre cerane ce las linguos 
nasionas continueje parolatas/ sel la inpedasiono de usare linguos esale antietica/ 
pero, incluso cando non esistale cuesa inpedasiono, jeneralamente la proseso de 
sinplasiono esa cada bolto plus forta/ inoltre, en cuesta listo ono liberamente usale 
planlinguos, jeneralamente planlinguos artas/ probablamente, en la futuro las linguos 
nasionas non esoje proibatas, pero esoje usatas comunamente como jocatoros, como cando 
ono jocale con cuestas linguos artas de la listo/

    De Alexandre Xavier Casanova Domingo.

[Se han eliminado los trozos de este mensaje que no contenían texto]

IdeoLengua - Lista de Lingüistica e Idiomas Artificiales
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