Grameen is apparently a government funded project from what I last read.
Cleverly done, but... marketed under a different name.

Deborah Phelan wrote:
> I am researching for an article I am writing for Global Progress and seeking
> some suggesstions on social business enterprises which are relying on a
> capitalist model to alleviate poverty. So far, I have info for   Grameen,
> GAIN, OneWorld, Barefoot College,Equity for Africa, Unilever...  I've found
> some  research on the underlying philosophy behind the idea -- looking at
> Global Issues, WiserEarth, REDF...

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago


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"The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." - 
Nikola Tesla

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