Hi All,

About the forward below:

In 2005, Andy Carvin set up the WSISBlogs.org, which aggregated the
RSS feeds for the blogs of several participants to the second World
Summit on Information Society in Tunis. I subscribed to its e-mail
notifications, and as the aggregator is still working, that's how I
got the one below of Rebecca MacKinnon's fascinating "Weng'an riots,
push-up protests, fifty-cent party, astroturf...head spinning yet?"
post about new forms of blog censorship and newer, more sophisticated
forms of information manipulation by the Chinese government. So,
apologies for cross-posting to other subscribers either of her blog or
of WSISblogs.org.

Direct link to her post:
for the illustrations and for the hyperlinks that get lost in the
e-mail notification.


Claude Almansi

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From: FeedBlitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 7:36 AM
Subject: WSISBlogs.org - 2 new articles
To: "claude. almansi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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** "WSISBlogs.org" - 2 new articles -

- Weng'an riots, push-up protests, fifty-cent party, astroturf...head
spinning yet?
- links for 2008-07-14
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- Search WSISBlogs.org

* Weng'an riots, push-up protests, fifty-cent party, astroturf...head
spinning yet? -

The most common method used by academics to map or track what bloggers
are talking about in various countries is by counting the use of
various keywords and putting them into categories, then figuring out
how the various conversations - tagged by subject matter - seem to
cluster. The Chinese Internet presents a special problem for this kind
of research, because in order to avoid censorship, people frequently
talk about one thing when all their peers know they're talking about
something completely different.

Take, for example, Chinese bloggers' recent obsession with pushups:
People created a website and a forum dedicated to pushups; somebody
photoshopped a naked man doing pushups at various famous Chinese
tourist sites; people created all kinds of flash mashups celebrating
pushups... huh?

What these people are actually doing is expressing their frustration
about the fact that many BBS forum conversations and blog posts
talking about the recent Weng'an riots were censored. For very
detailed coverage and translations of a variety of media reports, see
Roland Soong's blog. In a nutshell, a young girl turned up drowned in
the river in Weng'an county, Guizhou province. Family members
suspected foul play and word quickly spread that the girl, Li Shufen,
had been raped and murdered by boys who were probably related to
people in the Public Security Bureau - resulting in protests by 30,000
people and the burning of the local police station. Three autopies
were performed on the girl in which the coroner declared no foul play,
but locals didn't believe it. It remains unclear what really happened,
but at any rate four local officials have been sacked for "severe
malfeasance." Li Shufen's godfather was also arrested for inciting
riots and spreading rumors on the Internet. So where do the push-ups
come in? There were three young people with Li Shufen when she died,
and according to the police interrogation report they say that she
committed suicide suddenly while one of the boys was doing push-ups on
the bridge.

In the wake of the riots, Internet chatrooms and forums have been
heavily censoring discussions about Wengan. Some bloggers came up with
a clever online tool to convert text from left-to right sideways (as
modern Chinese is written) into right-to-left vertical (as classical
Chinese was written) - in an effort to get around keyword censors. But
it was still difficult to hold in-depth exchanges discussing all the
ins and outs of Li Shufen's death and reasons for the Weng'an unrest.
So people just gave up and started joking about pushups
instead...calling on their friends to write about pushups as a kind of

A number of people have written very insightfully on this incident,
including Roland and Jonathan Ansfeld. The Wall Street Journal
declared the sacking of four officials and calls for more media
transparency a victory for China's bloggers. However, from what I can
tell it seems like Chinese journalists may be the bigger winners from
this whole incident.

I'm in the middle of conducting a fairly extensive research project on
how Chinese blog hosting services censor their users. My team and I
are posting a variety of content on 16 different blog services and
documenting what gets censored, by whom, and how. I'll be writing up
the overall findings for an academic paper later on. But meanwhile as
I come up with interesting findings I'm sharing them along the way and
am interested in people's feedback. Over the past week I posted two
items about the Weng'an riots on 16 different Chinese blogging
systems, plus one item about how the term "push-up" has become a
censored word. Both of the Weng'an articles were censored by the same
six blog hosts included in the tests: Baidu, iFeng (run by Phoenix
TV), Netease, Tianya, Yahoo China, and MySpace. The latter two are
American Internet brands. Tianya receives investment from Google. So
far, none of the other ten services have taken down the Weng'an
related posts I published - I'm not going to name those ten here
because I'm concerned that the 6 might use this information to get the
10 in trouble with authorities, as is known to happen.

Four blogging services also censored the "push-up" post: iFeng,
Netease, Tianya, and MySpace. On the right is what happens if you try
to write about Weng'an on Tianya (click to enlarge).

On Netease, you can save the post privately, but when anybody else
(who isn't logged in as the author) tries to view the post, only an
error message appears, see screenshot at left (click to enlarge).

Now here's the really interesting part: while it's impossible for a
citizen-blogger to write about Weng'an or push-ups on a Netease blog,
the Netease news portal has extensive coverage of the Weng'an
situation, including this long article about why one of the boys with
Li Shufen was doing pushups on the bridge when she allegedly jumped
into the river.

Similarly, when I tried to post about Weng'an or push-ups on iFeng,
the blog hosting service run by the Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV (aimed
mainly at a Chinese mainlander audicence), the post is censored. Yet
the iFeng news portal has a whole special coverage page about Weng'an.

"Weng'an" and "push-up" are NOT being blocked by the "great firewall"
- I mean specifically the filtering mechanism that causes your browser
to turn up an error message if you try to visit a site showing the
offending words. If you search "Weng'an" and "push-up" in Google.cn,
Baidu, and Yahoo China you'll get lots of results - albeit with
reports overseas dissident and human rights websites taken out.

This is quite different than the way the Yilishen incident was handled
last fall - when large numbers of people protested about having been
gypped in a pyramid scheme. If you scroll down to the bottom of my
post written at the time, you'll see screenshots of Baidu, Google.cn,
and Yahoo China, all of which gave ZERO results for searches on
"Yilishen." Very little reporting about Yilishen appeared in the
Chinese domestic media.

Today, Chinese journalists are being allowed all over the Weng'an
story. Roland Soong just translated a long investigative article
published by Southern Weekend late last week, and the respected
Caijing - famous for pushing the edges - has its own special report
section on Weng'an.

So what's going on here? Why do some web service companies ban blogs
from talking about Weng'an while at the same time running extensive
news coverage about it? We'll have to see whether this pattern holds
in future, but if it does, that would point to a growing
sophistication in the Chinese government's strategy for managing
online media - both professional and amateur. The strategy would
appear to be: give the professionals more rope to report while
censoring the amateurs more heavily. Let Chinese people searching on
the internet for information about unrest incidents read about them
primarily from the state-sanctioned media, not from bloggers repeating
things they got from chatrooms repeating things that people heard on
the street.

You then combine this with what Paul Denlinger calls the Chinese
government's astroturfing strategy, with a few hundred thousand web
commentators who are paid to write pro-government comments on blogs
and in chatrooms. These people are known as the "fifty-cent party"
because at least some of them get paid 50 Chinese cents per post. My
colleague David Bandurski describes the system in detail in the latest
issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review. He describes how the rage of
Chinese cyber-nationalists against CNN's Jack Cafferty was fueled by
50-cent party postings.

Put all of these things together and once again, it's clear that
there's a lot more than censorship going on: in addition to censorship
there's information management, message management, and
"astroturfing." At last month's Chinese Internet Research Conference,
Chinese journalist and academic Li Yonggang talked about how we should
view the Chinese government's efforts to control or manage the
internet like a water management system. Roland Soong picked up on
that idea in a recent analysis in which he compares the government's
online information management strategy to hydrological engineering:

Yes, HYDROLOGICAL ENGINEERING! Many of the current crop of central
government leaders are technocrats with engineering background. As
such, they must understand that public opinion is water that can carry
the ship as well as turn it over. The point about hydrological
engineering is not to build dams to hold the water back because there
will be a catastrophic dam break one day that might bring down the
entire system. Instead, the point should be about controlling and
redirecting the awesome power of nature in less harmful ways down
selected channels.

In the case of the Weng'an mass incident, the major portals were
deleting the related posts as quickly as possible. At Tianya Forum, it
was estimated that a Weng'an-related post has an average lifetime of
15 seconds before being deleted by the administrators. That was
supposed to be a record speed. The same thing was happening at
Sina.com, Sohu.com, Baidu, etc. So this was building massive dams all
over the map which builds up a tremendous pressure. Where was the
pressure release point? You may be amazed that it was over at the
Xinhua Forum. The webmasters posted the official Xinhua news story on
the forum. That does not help in itself because Chinese netizens think
that this Xinhua story was vague and misleading. However, the
webmasters allowed the comments to run freely. This meant that the
Xinhua posts became the meeting points of all those who want to talk
about the Weng'an incident but could not do so elsewhere. Although
that post did not contain any news information (such as photos and
videos), it was a place for people to vent their outrage. As a result,
Xinhua got a record-setting number of visitors who were very
appreciative. Is this the plan for the future? You'll find out at the
next mass incident (and there will be many).

The system continues to learn and evolve. The immediate beneficiaries
are likely to be Chinese journalists, who have been chafing at their
short leash for quite a long time now. Giving journalists a longer
leash results in more credible, complex reporting while at the same
time the propaganda authorities can still exert some control to
prevent certain things from being reported. Independent bloggers like
Zola who traveled down to Weng'an, who are not being paid by a news
organization, are much harder to control by means other than direct
censorship, blocking, and when necessary physical threats (as Zola
experienced last Fall). If there's a news blackout on something,
bloggers can become a vital conduit for information about what's going
on. But when there is a decent quantity of professional news reporting
on an event or issue, the role of the blogger as citizen reporter is
weakened unless they have some truly unique material or insights. It's
very difficult for a blogger like Zola traveling down to Weng'an to
compete with a seasoned investigative reporter from Caijing or
Southern Weekend: the reporters get interviews with many of the
principal actors in a situation, as well as all the relevant
officials, while a blogger like Zola only gets to talk to townspeople
who have lots of opinions but little first-hand knowledge.

The Internet buzz about Weng'an led to public outrage, which in turn
created pressure for the government to clean house in Weng'an and open
up the story to greater media coverage. But the outcome may not be
increased power or respect for China's bloggers. And just because the
journalists get a longer leash doesn't mean that the Chinese
information environment won't still be heavily manipulated. As we know
in the U.S., you can even call yourself a "free press" and still be
manipulated by your government. We're starting to see early signs that
China's Internet and media regulators are becoming a bit less Leninist
in their techniques and a little more Rovian.

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* links for 2008-07-14 -

How digital changes the legal context of news « Reportr.net
"In an online world, news is part of a distributed and networked
ecosystem of information.... there has to be provision for fair use,
for remixing and mashing up digital content to create something that
helps people make sense of the news. "
(tags: journalism internet newmedia law ip copyright creativecommons)

American Astroturfing vs. Chinese Astroturfing | The China Vortex
"Paying bloggers and users of Twitter to shape public opinion about
China is an astroturfing tactic. Let's call it astroturfing and not
call it censorship. "
(tags: propaganda astroturfing media blogs internet
chineseinternetresearch censorship freespeech)

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* More Recent Articles

- More on Mozilla: communities, circles and maps
- Mapping open education policy opportunities
- links for 2008-07-11
- links for 2008-07-10
- Des eurodéputés veulent torpiller l'internet libre le 7 juillet

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