For your question on identifying funding sources, consider posting your 
question to the ARNOVA group.

For funding information, Carter McNamara's web site is outstanding

As is the Foundation Center

Bruce Kushnick wrote:
> In going through a number of 990 IRS forms, which are required to be filed
> by non-profits in the US, I have found that many groups, many who are
> considered "astroturf groups" -- ie a non-profit who is directly funded by a
> large corporation to look like they care about the issues from the
> perspective of a minority, etc. --- are not itemizing their donations or
> identifying the corporate funding --- assuming that the investigative
> reporting got the corporate-non-profit ties correctly. 
> Does anyone know if non-profits have to identify their funding sources? Is
> there are  lower limits on the money to be required to be reports - say over
> $50,000? 
> And besides guidestar, are there other places to find funding information? 
> Bruce Kushnick, Teletruth. 
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