We've been building opensource "bread and Butter" as a matter of course here for several years. (Bread and Butter workstations are the standard systems that go in homes, CTCs and school labs; Internet/Office apps. etc.)

We are putting the wraps on a workstation for school/CTC media labs that provides multimedia production capabilities, all opensource software and all suitable for running on older machines like a PII 400. We can do media conversion (cd -> tape and tape -> CD etc) and local production of audio/visual stuff using inexpensive external preamp/tape equimpment. It includes non-linear sound editing, and the tools needed for professional quality work, and would also be a great system for a garage-band to make their own cds. This is not a plug for a commercial product; the software packages we produce are available under the GPL license. It's an example of what can be done with existing resources.

Much of the activity I see around Digital Divide issues is about money, raising money, and the dismal lack of money. The fact of the matter is that there is much we can do that makes smart use of existing resources. We should use the money we raise for training and programs, INMHO. Too often, the programs funded by commercial entities are marketing masqueurading as good works, and come with a pricetag down the road.

Thomas A Webb
http://www.ospueblo.com - Open Source and Educational Resources
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