Please kindly advise if this competition is open to
any organisation in  Asia as well.


Ardi Sutedja K.

 --- Rachel Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Good Morning,
> I would be grateful if you would pass on this news
> to your relevant 
> publications and contacts.
> Many thanks
> Rachel
> October 1, 2004
> South African organisations have one week to go
> before the close of the 
> competition to support innovative ground
> level initiatives 
> that want to use handheld devices (handhelds) to
> improve people's lives. 
> A total of 120 Hewlett Packard H4150 iPAQs will be
> given to up to ten 
> winning organisations that demonstrate a clear
> strategy to harness the 
> power of handhelds for social or economic
> development. The devices were 
> donated by Hewlett Packard (HP) after being used by
> delegates at the 
> World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos
> earlier this year. 
> Closing date for entries is October 8th.
> is looking for projects that use
> handhelds to fulfil local 
> needs in local ways. Winners will be used as case
> study examples to 
> illustrate how these devices can open the door for
> Africans to gain the 
> benefits offered by ICT.
> executive director Teresa Peters said,
> “HP and their 
> partners have provided us with a unique opportunity
> to demonstrate how 
> handheld devices can be used for socio-economic
> development. The 
> competition will enable promising projects to try
> out technology that 
> might otherwise be out of reach to them. Handhelds
> have many advantages 
> when compared to traditional desktop computers --
> yet they are largely 
> being ignored in initiatives aiming to bridge the
> digital divide. We 
> want to change that.”
> To enter the competition, organisations are invited
> to outline a project 
> idea that would make use of up to 35 iPAQs. Small
> businesses, public 
> sector organisations (schools, hospitals, clinics,
> etc.), NGOs, and 
> community organisations are encouraged to enter. The
> deadline for 
> entries is 8 October 2004. For full guidelines and
> more background 
> information please see
> The competition is made possible by the generosity
> of HP, the World 
> Economic Forum and DHL, who facilitated the donation
> and were 
> responsible for the safe delivery of the handhelds
> to in 
> Cape Town. Media Sponsor - Balancing Act's News
> Update
> ENDS ###
> About handhelds
> A handheld computer is a small computer that can
> conveniently be stored 
> in a pocket and used while being held. Traditionally
> handheld devices 
> accept handwriting input (the user writes on the
> sensitive screen with a 
> special plastic "pen"), but some devices also
> feature small keyboards 
> for typing and some devices allow both. Handheld
> devices can be broadly 
> described based on the operating system installed;
> Microsoft Pocket PC 
> and Palm OS are two of the most widely used. The
> latest developments 
> show a trend to “smart phones” with the convergence
> of personal digital 
> assistants (PDAs), mobile phones, and wireless
> technology.
> About
> is an international non-profit
> organisation based in South 
> Africa with a mission to promote the effective use
> of ICT in developing 
> countries to improve people's lives. One area of
> focus is informing 
> policy decisions that affect people's access to and
> use of ICT. 
> also conducts technology research and
> provides social 
> consulting services to ground level projects using
> ICT, helping with 
> project planning and evaluation and relaying lessons
> learned. It brings 
> an entrepreneurial attitude to its social mission,
> and is committed to 
> working with, instead of against, government
> agencies and the business 
> community. For more information please see
> About Hewlett Packard
> HP is a technology solutions provider to consumers,
> businesses and 
> institutions globally. The company's offerings span
> IT infrastructure, 
> personal computing and access devices, global
> services and imaging and 
> printing. HP's mission is to invent technologies and
> services that drive 
> business value, create social benefit and improve
> the lives of customers 
> - with a focus on affecting the greatest number of
> people possible. 
> About DHL
> DHL is the global market leader of the international
> express and 
> logistics industry, specializing in providing
> innovative and customized 
> solutions from a single source. DHL offers expertise
> in express, air and 
> ocean freight, overland transport and logistics
> solutions, combined with 
> worldwide coverage and an in-depth understanding of
> local markets. DHL's 
> international network links more than 220 countries
> and territories 
> worldwide.
> About WEF
> The World Economic Forum is the foremost global
> community of business, 
> political, intellectual and other leaders of society
> committed to 
> improving the state of the world. Incorporated as a
> foundation, and 
> based in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic
> Forum is impartial and 
> not-for-profit; it is tied to no political, partisan
> or national 
> interests. The Forum has NGO consultative status
> with the Economic and 
> Social Council of the United Nations.
> For more information on the competition:
> Contact:    Philipp Schmidt, Technology Programme
> Manager
> Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tel:           +27 21 465 9313
> Fax:          +27 21 465 5917
> South Africa: PO Box 715, Cape Town 8000 South
> Africa
> United States: 1887 Newton Street NW, Washington DC
> 20010
> -- 
> Rachel Engel
> International Media and Relations Manager
> South Africa: PO Box 715, Cape Town 8000
> Tel: +27 21 465 9313 -- Fax +27 21 465 5917
> United States: 1887 Newton Street NW, Washington DC
> 20010
> US Contact: Ed Cavazos, +1 512 320-9279 -- Fax +1
> 202 318 7792
> You can help us do more! Donate now at
> or
> go to and raise money for
> whilst you shop.
=== message truncated === 

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