hi charlie

Can you be a little more specific since the request is so broad- For example, NASA publishes its Tech Briefs which is a regular and free journal covering all the stuff from NASA and its contractors which can range from space to biomedical and agriculture to transitors. The USDA has similar pubs in ag, as do all the agencies such as Dept of Energy and all who fund sponsored research. of course, the US patent office is accessible-- all paid for with US tax dollars and mostly free.

The net is full of newsletter which scour the web with RSS feeds so you could find one which covers such exotic areas as nanotubes and micro assemblers or advances in education technology. Google is a wonderful friend.

Of course, depending on the size of your wallet, there are a variety of expensive newsletters which cater to tastes from entrepreneurs to investment bankers looking for the next microsoft or intel in the computer arena or medtronic in the biomed arena.

And, if you want a custom feed, there are numerous consulting groups who are paid handsomely to keep a client's inbox full of the hotest ideas that are just being whispered and not yet visible to the world.

All available - at a price- free ->$$$$$

tom abeles

Charlie Meisch wrote:

Is anyone aware of trade or tech journals that cover emerging technologies? I'd prefer titles based in the US, but international is good as well. They don't need to focus on bridging the Digital Divide, but that would be a plus.

Many Thanks,

Charlie Meisch

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