Hi everyone,

This weekend, I wrote an essay about the concept of mobcasting -- using mobile phones and blogging tools as a way for large groups of people (smart mobs) to create audio podcasts on the same website. Ethan Zuckerman and I exchanged some ideas about it on the Global Voices blog, and I spent part of the afternoon tinkering with a variety of tools to see if I could come up with a relatively easy way to do this.

The result: a new experimental blog, http://mobcasting.blogspot.com. It's a free Blogger website that I've set up with an RSS feed that supports enclosure tags -- the key to publishing podcasts on the Internet. Now, I have the ability to give anyone posting privileges on the site, which in turn would allow them to use Blogger's free Audioblogger.com tool. Audioblogger lets Blogger users call a phone number and post an audio blog to their blog. But since I've set up the blog with a podcast-friendly RSS feed, I've turned Audioblogger into a simple telephone-based podcasting tool. If anyone would like to test it out, send me an email and I can set them up with an account.

I could see this method being used by groups of people attending any event, whether it's a conference, a protest or any other public gathering. Any situation in which you'd want to give a number of people the ability to podcast on the same website would apply.

So I've written a quick tutorial on how to set up your own mobcast, giving a group of people to post their own podcasts on the same website. It's really easy, and it's basically free - you just have to pay for the telephone call each time you record a podcast.

I've posted the tutorial on my blog; you can find it here:




thanks, ac

Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
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