Steven Elster wrote:
I have written my friend in India, and he says: "there are plenty of cell
phones around here, even in the tiniest villages."  He further goes on to
say that a cell phone earthquake warning system "was in fact in place
in at least one village here on the southeast coast.  They got notice;
everybody was evacuated in an orderly fashion and not one life was lost."

Students of earthquakes know only a few things for absolute certain. They include the fact that if a geographic area has never had an earthquake, it never will. A good example is Korea.

The experts also know that if any area has ever had a shake, it can be unreservedly assured there will be more.

What nobody knows is....."when"?

While I salute, body and soul, the efforts to provide warnings that can go instantly and affordably to everyone on the planet with a radio, television, phone or computer, I suggest we be careful about promises impossible to keep.

Predicting earthquakes - at least for now - is a fool's game.

Preparing for their aftermath is not.

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