Judy Hallman wrote:

> Kevin Rocap wrote:
>> That said....there is a module add-in for PHPBB (PHP Bulletin Board)
>> called "M2F" designed to crack the nut of "e-mail to forum" and
>> "forum to e-mail" communication. The project web page, FYI:
>> http://m2f.sourceforge.net/
> I'm anxious to try M2F but don't want to be on the bleeding edge. Our
> System Admins are volunteers with limited time to help RTPnet. It
> looks like M2F is still in Beta. Does anyone know when we can expect
> an official release?

Your best bet is to contact the developers. I see that this is available
on their site through their forums. I think you can safely register. O_o

> Also, it looks like this is a Mod to phpBB. We recently did an
> emergency upgrade of phpBB and lost the two mods we had on it. It took
> quite a while to install those mods. I'm worried about asking the
> System Admins to install mods that take a lot of time and have to be
> reinstalled after an upgrade.

If you really want to try it, do a site backup first. The second things
look strange, recover from the backup.

Taran Rampersad



"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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