hi everyone -

     i've set up a DDN community for awards and recognitions at

        here is the intro text to this community:

Awards and Recognitions

Awards and recogitions often spur people to higher levels of performance.
This community on DDN will share information and ideas about awards and
recognitions. Discussions will address current awards and recognitions
(are they being administered in the right way?) and prospective awards and
recognitions. Naturally, the focus will be awards and recognitions that
relate to the digital divide field -- but discussion of other related
awards and recognitions is fair game, too.

This forum is also the appropriate place for DDN members to share
announcements about awards or recognitions they -- or the organizations
they work for -- have received. Having such information all in one place
will be helpful to our community. Naturally, you'll want to share such
good news on the DDN email list, too.

Discussion of contests of various sorts also fits within the scope of this
community. Contest announcemenst and results can be blogged here.

Phil Shapiro
Volunteer Community Moderator

http://www.his.com/pshapiro/ (personal)
http://teachme.blogspot.com (weblog)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/profile/pshapiro (technology access work)
http://mytvstation.blogspot.com/ (video and rich media)

"There's just so much more creativity and genius out there than
our media currently reflect."  FCC Commissioner Michael Copps
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