
If you folks think what we have done in southern India is useful, and if you think w can be of some help, we are ready to share what little we know. Indeed, every year, I organise a eight-day South-South Exchange Travelling Workshop to which we invite about 20-25 development workers from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The entire group travels from village to village (where we have our knowledge centres and other development programmes) and the visitors exchange notes withthe local people and our volunteers. The visitors see for themselves how the knowledge centres function, how the people benefit, how the whole thing is participatory, and so on. The sharing of knowledge and experience at places where real action happens leads to tremenodous amount of experiential learning, far superior to what we learn from classrooms and regular conferences. For more information on our South-South Exchange Traveling Workshops, please visit the IICD webpage and look up Julie Ferguson's report "From Beedies to Ceedies" and also visit the GKP website.

Either a team from the Amrican Indian groups could visit us or a few of us could come there and help with the process.

[Subbiah Arunachalam]

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Houska" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'The Digital Divide Network discussion group'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:55 PM
Subject: RE: [DDN] Podcast and Photos from M. S. Swaminathan's SpeechattheBaramati Conference


You may want to speak with Karen Buller with the National Indian
Telecommunications Institute

I just spoke with Karen yesterday about our efforts to bridge the divide on
Native American Indian Reservations. I'm in discussions with a few Tribes at
the moment regarding our Learning Center model on the reservations.

I hope this helps.

Chris R. Houska
Instructional Systems Inc.
Director, Business Partnerships
Office: (614) 873-8571
Cell: (614) 218-5377
Fax: (866) 243-5743


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wanda Jean Lord
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:27 AM
To: 'The Digital Divide Network discussion group'
Subject: RE: [DDN] Podcast and Photos from M. S. Swaminathan's Speech
attheBaramati Conference

Hi All, I am new to this list and wanted to introduce myself. My name is
Wanda and I found the article at the Frontline site very interesting. Do
any of you all have knowledge of similar models being incorporated here in
the US to address the Digital Divide that now exists for Native American
people? I know of some existing work being done both nationally and by
individual Tribal Nations - and am trying to gather as much relevant info as
possible. Thanks for any insights you can give!

Wanda Jean Lord,

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 3:48 AM
Subject: RE: [DDN] Podcast and Photos from M. S. Swaminathan's Speech at
theBaramati Conference

Andy and all

For those interested in ICT4Poverty Reduction and Empowerment, there is more
from Prof. Swaminathan at
, see the articles under "Mission 2007", including an interesting interview
with Prof. Swaminathan.

These articles appeared in "Frontline", the Indian bi-weekly magazine.


Charles Geiger
Executive Director WSIS

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andy Carvin
Sent: mercredi, 9. mars 2005 21:10
To: The Digital Divide Network discussion group; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [DDN] Podcast and Photos from M. S. Swaminathan's Speech at the
Baramati Conference

Hi everyone,

I've just posted a podcast of Professor M. S. Swaminathan's speech this
past weekend at the Baramati conference in India:

Prof. Swaminathan is one of the world's leading thinkers on the role of
ICTs in global development, particularly in terms of poverty alleviation
in rural, agricultural communities. The speech he gave this weekend is
one of the best arguments I've heard to date on the importance of
bridging the digital divide in the developing world.

The file is rather large, just over 60 megs in size. I still hope to
transcribe the speech, but I am not sure when I will have an opportunity
to do this, so if anyone would like to volunteer, please email me. I
would then post the transcript on the Digital Divide Network website.

Meanwhile, I've also posted some pictures from the presentation on my blog.



Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
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