
> So what technology will they do without?  Computers?  Cell Phones? Lights?
> Heat? Running water?  Flush Toilets?  Books (Printing Press is "Technology")?

I asked this question for two reasons.  Most of you responded to the first
reason, that of a society that does not know (for the most part) how deeply
they depend on technology and how a lot of things that guide, control and
govern their lives work.  My favorite story along these lines was a true
experience that I had with a man that believed micro-wave ovens cooked food
using atomic energy, and that the food was therefore radio-active. (sigh)

But the second reason I asked this question is because there are people right
now in the former Soviet Union who do not have enough electricity to run
their schools, and enough fuel to heat the schools.

There are people in Africa that do not have running water or flush toilets.

We talk about the Digital Divide on this list, but these people are still
suffering the analog divide, and even the analog divide uses technology.

It would be interesting to see "Technology Backout Day" embrace the true
meaning of "no technology", just to let people know what it really is like.

Warmest regards,

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
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Board Member: Uniforum Association, USENIX Association

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