Dear David Abel.

On behalf of CawdNet I will respond to your email on two levels.

1 - Ref - "Rotary International recently acknowledged the digital divide should be part of its focus and opened a discussion on how Rotary might help close it. "

2 - Ref - "...projects that require fund raising, implementation, awareness or all three. I'm specifically looking for projects that are easily scalable..."

1 - Regarding discussions
First - to introduce CawdNet - it is a dual network:
- Based in rural Nigeria where it is embedded in local communities
- Based in the UK where it is embedded in the “virtual communities” of the Internet.
It links the two communities for shared learning, mutual mentoring and practical problem solving.
For more details see

I believe CawdNet could make useful contributions to your discussions. I would be happy to help Rotary International to make contacts with local people in rural Nigeria (who speak English and local languages) who can give accurate information about needs, infrastructure realities, local skills base, cultural norms, and so on, to help inform your decision making.

2 - reference scalable projects.

CawdNet has small projects with big vision. Our projects started with tiny budgets (from our own pockets) small steps and a vision of replication. We have an approach to ICTs which is not just about *having the technology* - but about *using the technology* to communicate, to share ideas, and to implement good ones.

You can get see some idea of our projects via our "catalogue of programme activities and achievements" - but please be aware that the site is a work in progress (with content being put up by two non-techie volunteers) and so not everything is covered there yet. ICTs are not always particularly visible - but are an essential part of enabling the work.

The photos in the catalogue are a mixture of CawdNet initiatives at the InfoCentre in Ago-Are and
at the Fantsuam Community Learning Centre (CLC) in Kafanchan. I will not list specific needs here, but if you contact me off list I can give you many suggestions for ways that money could be specifically and effectively targeted to satisfy the objectives you have in mind.

Although the InfoCentre in Ago-Are and the Fantsuam Community Learning Centre are both featured in the catalogue, they are not explained. The original plan for the InfoCentre was that it should grow to become the co-ordinating centre for ten similar centres, one in each Local Government area in Oyo State. The story of one person at the centre (and the current state of our attempt to raise some money for some replication) will give you some idea of the InfoCentre See More information about Fantsuam Foundation is at The InfoCentre can now been seen as a satellite of the Fantsuam CLC. We are already exploring aspects of replication - but do not have the resources to follow through on that yet.

CawdNet has taken first steps to bridge the digital divide, and has a good track record of self help and achievement - but needs help with fund raising to extend its present work, to implement future plans, and to raise awareness about its work.

Our unusual information network means that anyone working with CawdNet can expect an unusually high level of feedback about the progress of any project. (It is this feedback, and the relationships which develop, that gives the UK CAWD volunteers their high level of interest and motivation). If your Rotary club decides to work with CawdNet then our emphasis on communication could be particularly beneficial regarding the quality of the learning experience, relationship building, and enabling your project to serve as a "case study".

Pamela McLean
CawdNet Convenor. Then click on CawdNet.

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