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-----Original Message-----
From: Robert W. McChesney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 11:15 AM
Subject: Listen to Bill Moyers' historic speech

ttp://www.freepress.net/> free press

Dear : 

In an historic speech on Sunday, legendary television journalist Bill Moyers
blasted Kenneth Tomlinson of the Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB)
for launching a partisan witch hunt at PBS and called for a series of town
hall meetings across the country.

"I simply never imagined that any CPB chairman, Democrat or Republican,
would cross the line from resisting White House pressure to carrying it out
for the White House," Moyers told a packed room at the National Conference
for Media Reform. "And that's what Kenneth Tomlinson has been doing."

You can now watch or listen to Moyers' entire speech on the Free Press Web

An audio recording can be downloaded at:

Or you can watch the video at:

Transcript online (as soon as it's available) at
ttp://www.freepress.net/conference> .

In his first public statement since the controversy at PBS emerged, Moyers
endorsed a call by media reform groups for a series of town hall meetings
nationwide so that Americans can speak directly to station managers and
policymakers about what they want and expect from public broadcasting.

More than 50,000 Americans have already signed the Free Press petition
calling on Kenneth Tomlinson to resign and demanding that the public be put
back into PBS.

Please add your name to the petition by clicking
ttp://www.freepress.net/action/pbs> .

"That great mob that is democracy is rarely heard, and that's not just the
fault of the current residents of the White House and Capitol," Moyers said.
"There is a great chasm between those of us in the business and those who
depend on TV and radio as their window to the world. We treat them too much
like audiences and not enough like citizens. They are invited to look
through the window, but too infrequently to participate and make public
broadcasting public."

Please support Bill Moyers, public broadcasting, quality journalism and
democracy by signing
ttp://www.freepress.net/action/pbs> the petition and passing along this
message to everyone you know.


Robert W. McChesney
Free Press

P.S. The conference was a rousing success. Visit
ttp://www.freepress.net/conference>  for audio and video recordings of the
sessions, new episodes of "Media Minutes" and news reports. New content is
being added daily. 


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