Dear Friends,

Hello and thanks so your great follow-up note, Pam, on the Sun Oven (a
connection to Rotary International). I thought I would bring an ICTs
connection to this mail by sending a list of some resources I gathered
through a handy Google search, and will also say that the oven project and
so much more would be difficult if not impossible without these ICTs
connections!  Also, please see a listing for Enersol, a US-based company
working in Central America and the Caribbean, on a project they call
"Edusol", using solar-powered computers for educational purposes.

Rotary chapters sponsor the installation of Sun Ovens, which come in
several sizes. I sent a mail the other day in response to your query abt.
their availability for Nigeria, and received a mail from Paul Munson of
Temple Solar, who has been working with Rotary on this project (and Sun
Ovens International) for 3-4 years. At the SOI site you can see the types
of ovens which have been installed, and the purposes for which they are
being used, from feeding families to running a commercial bakery. Paul said
that getting an oven to your communities in Nigeria would be no problem,
Pam, if you have the support of a local Rotary chapter, which would submit
the project to Rotary International. I think fundraising then begins for
the expenses, so that it's "free" to the community seeking it (in the
developing world).

I'll be happy to hook you up with him (via email!) soon, and--to answer
your question about the relationship to HIV/AIDS--see the quote below. And
will say that we in Kenya will be using ours (Sun Ovens for Kenya have
gotten hung up by duties in port, a situation which now needs govt
attention...hope you won't have that problem!) for an HIV/AIDS-related
purpose too, as so many of our community members are affected by the
pandemic in some way, and need not only steady income-generation but better
nutrition to cope with the problems associated with it.

Thanks much and will write a personal note in response to yours in a few
days! With all best wishes and in solar spirit, Janet  (Solar Cookers International)  (Spain 2006 international solar conference)  (Sun Ovens International) (the Rotary project specifically)   (explains
different kind of solar cookers)
/6  (great info on use of the sun and technologies related to solar power) and 
(solar-powered computers, 16 projects in Latin America)

An excerpt from a letter by Paul Munson of Temple Solar, who works with
Rotary on their Sun Oven project:
"Two weeks ago I had the privilege of showing the Sun Ovens to Nelson
Mandela. We received an innovation award from the World Bank to start a
solar bakery that will be providing employment for HIV positive women in
the eastern cape of South Africa."

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