Invitation to participate in a six week online dialogue:

World Dialogue on Regulation:
Diversifying Participation in Network Development
new dialogue, 20 June – 29 July 2005

You are invited to participate in the next online World Dialogue on
Regulation (WDR) session dedicated to the research theme,
Diversifying Participation in Network Development, beginning 20 June
2005, at <>.

The online dialogue has been a central feature of the WDR network
since its inception. During the WDR research and dialogue cycles, the
online dialogues invite comments, questions and discussion from
WDR participants and observers, based on their own experience,
research, analysis or observations. It also provides researchers an
opportunity to disseminate some early results of their investigations on
the WDR theme.

The current WDR theme, diversifying participation in network
development, arises because participation in telecom development
traditionally has been highly restricted to national monopolies or
specified nationally licensed operators, with restrictions against the
participation of others in supplying telecom facilities and services, or in
acting  as intermediaries or facilitators of demand. There is a growing
recognition that the full development of networks and services will
require a much wider diversity of participation from both the public and
private sectors, including local initiatives and public-private
partnerships. The dialogue is exploring these possibilities and their
implications in the variety of circumstances where network
development is needed.

The online WDR facilities have recently been upgraded, taking
advantage of newer and more user friendly discussion software.
Based on experience with earlier WDR dialogues, we have decided to
focus the issues and limit each dialogue to a specified period – six
weeks. Each six-week period will provide a different focus within the
overall dialogue theme.

Dialogue Focus 20 June – 29 July 2005
New Players in Network Development:
Case Studies, and Experience (good, bad or indifferent)

Our collective experience should provide some lessons for application
elsewhere. The collection of cases/experiences will be maintained in a
separate thread of the dialogue and will provide reference points for
some of the issues being discussed.  Examples could be a local
telephone cooperative, the use of a new technology, a new
intermediary buying services for a community, a new kind of business
model, etc. Where further information is available, contributors should
include contact information or a URL for the project.

For further information or a short description of this dialogue theme,
please visit the WDR website:
An RSS feed is available for the online dialogue.

Questions about the WDR dialogue should be sent to

Amy Mahan

+(598.2) 4102979
Dr. Pablo de María 1036
Montevideo, Uruguay
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