Phil Shapiro wrote:
hi everyone -

    bonnie bracey, a teacher and teacher-trainer who has been an active
supporter of the DDN community since the first week of the DDN email
list (back in 1999) was profiled earlier this month in the new york
times. bonnie has brought great value to DDN with her ideas, her
energy and her forward momentum.

     appended below is the section of the article that talks about her.

the full article can be found at

      bonnie's DDN profile is at

      her blog is at /

      i often wonder how bonnie is able to fit so much into her day.
i suspect it's because she cares a lot.

           - phil

Congratulations, Bonnie - you more than deserve both the profile in the NYT and Phil's praise. I'm trying to translate the NYT profile into Italian for the ADISI blog - but I'm stumped with "crusader": a male crusader is a crociato - but a crociata is a cruise*. Would "militante" (militant) be OK with you?



*Latin languages are a bit sexist about jobs and roles...
Claude Almansi

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