hi everyone -

    verizon will be announcing today a low-tier dsl service to attract
dial-up uesrs who haven't switched yet. i think this is wonderful
news, especially for families (or households of unrelated persons)
with more than one computer.

    the most important aspect of this news is that it allows persons who
formerly had dial-up to now have a phone line open for voice
communication while they're using the internet.  people need an open
phone line for communications regarding work, family, friends, etc.

      busy-phone-line dial-up has caused people to lose work opportunities
and placed undue strains on relationships between family and

    this dsl service also brings free internet telephony, such as skype
and gizmo (http://www.gizmoproject.com), within the range of many more

     increasing the speed of this dsl service will be google's web
accelerator (for windows) and firefox (with its effective popup
blocking.)   http://webaccelerator.google.com)

      this dsl service will put rich media within the reach of many more
people. we haven't yet seen the development of large scale community
video being distributed over the internet, but that opportunity is
now available using the free video aggregator software called
fireant. http://antisnottv.net

      on the other side of the coin, the year-long requirement for this
service could end up being unduly burdensome on a large number of
people. we live in a very mobile society. people who most need this
service are the ones who will need to move for work reasons or for
other personal reasons. (spouses trying to escape abusive
relationships, as an example.)

      being locked into a year-long contract means that not a small number
of people will be paying for service they're not using -- at their
former residence. a six-month (or nine-month) service contract
requirement would be more appropriate.

      if this is economically not feasible for verizon, they ought to
consider raising the rate of this service to $17 or $18/month to
make it more feasible for people to use a service without a
year-long lock-in.
(or offer an option to go with $15/month with lock-in, and $18/month
without lock-in.)

         - phil

the giant sucking sound you'll hear in september is the sound of dial-up
users canceling their AOL accounts. it's my view that AOL may potentially
lose 5 million or more dial-up accounts as a result of verizon's low-tier
dsl initiative.

http://www.his.com/pshapiro/ (personal)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/pshapiro (blog)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/profile/pshapiro (technology access work)
http://mytvstation.blogspot.com/ (video and rich media)

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