
No government would do that, since governments themselves are usually
affected. I think you may be asking whether citizens of countries are
using the internet with the objective to fight corruption... and again,
I don't know that citizens would. Instead, citizens may be using weblogs
and other forms of internet technology to bypass or shed light on
unspoken things.

And then, the term Latin America is ambiguous as well. Are you including
the English, French and Dutch speaking parts of South America? Then it's
really South America.... and sometimes the Caribbean is scooped into
Latin America when it is convenient for people to do so, which is lazy
writing and lends itself to confusion...

If you are speaking only of Spanish speaking countries in the region, I
apologize. But I know that I disagree with segregation by language,
though it is not your fault... :-)

Martha Garcia-Murillo wrote:

>I am writing a paper about the effect of the Internet on corruption.
>This is a statistical analysis but I would like to include one or two
>case studies from Latin America.
>Do you happen to know if there are any specific efforts in any of these
>countries using the internet with that objective.
>Thank you,

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Georgetown, Guyana

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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