hi everyone -

    if you're interested in fireant, the free video aggregator software
for mac and windows, some fireant email lists have been created at


     fireant lets you to subscribe to video on the internet.
if you'd like to learn how to create your own video blog, there
are some excellent instructions at http://www.freevlog.org

      fireant can be downloaded from http://www.antisnottv.net

       if you think this kind of community media on the web is
interesting, but you're not quite ready to plunge in yourself, do
visit some of the above web sites. a simple visit to the web site
is a vote of support. (i.e. the creators of this free software can
tell the press -- "we get 10,000 web hits per day -- rather than we
get 2,000 web hits per day."

        your mouse (and your time) are your virtual voting buttons.

          - phil

btw, i signed up for one of the above email lists even though i have no
idea what kind of message traffic will be on the list.  i signed up in
digest form, so the message traffic won't overwhelm me.  i need to be on
that list as a vote of confidence for the public work these computer
programmers are doing. (the lists were set up by the people who are
creating fireant.)

http://www.his.com/pshapiro/ (personal)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/pshapiro (blog)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/profile/pshapiro (technology access work)
http://mytvstation.blogspot.com/ (video and rich media)

"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others." - Desiderata
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