Hi Sunil,

I agree with Rene Abad...and APDIP can't be
successfully promote open souce network if only
inviting the Institutions. There is a lot of
interested individuals if you invite them especially
my self.

I hope APDIP should understand about it and that is
the reason why Microsoft become successful because
they also consider the individuals which is the

ex UNV-IT Specialist 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi sunil
> i think you will be limiting yourselves if you
> exclude individuals
> rene abad
> ed-y3k foundation
> > Dear Friends,
> >
> > I would like to bring to your attention this
> request for expression of
> > interest to initiate and manage a sub-regional
> node of the International
> > Open Source Network with the guidance of the UNDP
> Asia-Pacific Development
> > Information Programme. Expressions of interest
> will be entertained only
> > from
> > institutions and not individuals. Please submit
> your expression of
> > interest
> > by 20 September 2005 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > With best regards
> >
> > Sunil Abraham
> >
> > Manager
> > International Open Source Network
> > Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme
> > United Nations Development Programme
> > Bangkok, Thailand
> >
> >
> >
> > Request for expression of interest to manage a
> sub-regional node of the
> > International Open Source Network
> >
> > More details at
> <http://www.apdip.net/news/iosneoi>
> >
> >
> >
> > The Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme
> (APDIP), a regional
> > UNDP
> > initiative to promote information and
> communication technologies (ICT) for
> > sustainable human development, is seeking
> expressions of interest from
> > organizations in the Asia-Pacific region to
> initiate and manage
> > sub-regional
> > nodes of the International Open Source Network
> (IOSN).
> >
> > We are looking for three partners to manage three
> sub-regional nodes in
> > the
> > Asia-Pacific region. These nodes can possibly be
> called 'IOSN South Asia',
> > 'IOSN ASEAN+3', and 'IOSN Pacific Island
> Countries'. The list of countries
> > that would fall under each sub-regional node and
> which are, therefore,
> > eligible to submit an expression of interest is
> given below.
> >
> > Ideally, we are looking for a government agency,
> academic institution or
> > civil society organization with a proven track
> record in Free/Open Source
> > Software (FOSS) development, research, deployment,
> and advocacy. The
> > candidate organization must be able to internalize
> sub-regional needs and
> > priorities in FOSS and design and implement a
> programme that is truly
> > needs-based.
> >
> > Primary Research Focus: The sub-regional nodes
> will undertake research
> > activities in three primary focus areas, namely,
> Open Content, Open
> > Standards and Open Source. This could be
> accomplished via the
> > establishment
> > of research teams or "cells" within each
> sub-regional facility. Besides a
> > small core staff, these teams/cells could include
> volunteers and/or
> > consultants who will collaborate across a wide
> spectrum of activities such
> > as data collection, research, analysis, authoring
> and review. We believe
> > this will encourage other institutions from the
> public and volunteer
> > sectors
> > to undertake serious research into various aspects
> and implications of
> > FOSS
> > for the developing world.  The primary focus of
> research for each
> > sub-region
> > could be:
> >
> > * IOSN South Asia -- Open Content
> > * IOSN ASEAN+3 -- Open Standards
> > * IOSN Pacific Island Countries -- Open Source
> >
> > Secondary Research Focus: Apart from the primary
> research focus area
> > mentioned above, each sub-regional node could also
> conduct research on
> > specific areas of FOSS application where either
> software or human
> > resources
> > are unavailable in the Asia-Pacific region. Many
> of these focus areas were
> > identified during the first Free/Open Source
> Software Asia Pacific
> > (FOSSAP)
> > consultation held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in
> 2004.
> >
> > IOSN has already produced some research outputs in
> connection with a few
> > areas such as Localization. But additional
> concerted and specialized
> > research is required in, for example, e-Learning;
> health; finance;
> > e-governance; geographic information system (GIS);
> and multimedia. Perhaps
> > the proposed sub-regional centres could focus as
> follows:
> >
> > * IOSN South Asia -- e-Learning
> > * IOSN ASEAN+3 -- Health, Finance and e-Governance
> > * IOSN Pacific Island Countries -- GIS, Earth
> Science, and Multimedia,
> > Imaging and Publishing
> >
> > IOSN Portal: The IOSN portal <http://www.iosn.net>
> serves as a
> > comprehensive, online resource centre providing
> information on FOSS, FOSS
> > news, wikis, blogs, and online discussion forums,
> and acts as a means for
> > the FOSS community to collaborate and interact. It
> is co-managed by IOSN
> > and
> > FOSS advocates throughout the region and all three
> sub-regional nodes will
> > partake in its management in the areas of their
> expertise and
> > specialization.
> >
> > Each selected sub-regional node will be designated
> as a UNDP-APDIP Centre
> > of
> > Excellence on FOSS.
> >
> > UNDP-APDIP will provide seed financing, incubation
> services for 12-18
> > months, initial hosting services for the IOSN
> portal, as well as official
> > affiliation with UNDP-APDIP. Each sub-regional
> node will also receive
> > overall guidance, support and management
> assistance by IOSN and UNDP-APDIP
> > in delivering its activities.
> >
> > Information concerning IOSN, is provided at
> >
> and can
> > also
> > be found at http://www.iosn.net.
> >
> > Expressions of interest are treated confidentially
> and should be sent no
> > later than September 20, 2005 by email to the
> manager of IOSN, Mr. Sunil
> > Abraham, at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and include the
> following information in no
> > more than 16 pages:
> >
> > 1. A brief profile of your organization, including
> vision, objectives,
> > programmes, projects, activities and a brief
> summary of achievements. Also
> > include key data regarding infrastructure and
> human resources and annex
> > the
> > legal act/statutes establishing your organization.
> Finally, include key
> > financial information such as sources of funding
> and financial
> > sustainability. (Maximum 3 pages)
> >
> > 2. A description of your institutional
> expertise/experience with regard to
> > FOSS, along with brief (8-10 lines) description of
> each major FOSS-related
> > project/programme undertaken so far. (Maximum 4
> pages)
> >
> > 3. A description of your linkages and connections
> with government
> > agencies,
> > civil society organizations, academic
> organizations, GNU/Linux User
> > Groups,
> > Free Software Foundations and other FOSS
> researchers and practitioners.
> > (Maximum 2 pages)
> >
> > 4. The ideas and expectations you would bring to
> the implementation and
> > future development of the information service, the
> resources your
> > organization would be able to contribute in the
> medium- and long-term, and
> > a
> > suggested time-frame for transitioning the
> service, including management
> > of
> > the IOSN portal for the sub-region, and in making
> it sustainable. (Maximum
> > 6
> > pages)
> >
> > 5.  A brief profile of the individual that would
> lead this effort in
> > your organization and any other possible members
> of the team. (Maximum 1
> > page)
> >
> >
> > NOTE: Expressions of interest will be entertained
> only from institutions
> > and
> > not individuals.  We will acknowledge receipt of
> all expressions of
> > interest
> > by email but contact only those organizations we
> take further interest in.
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> > List of Countries for South Asia:
> >
> > Afghanistan
> > Bangladesh
> > Bhutan
> > India
> > Iran
> > Maldives
> > Nepal
> > Pakistan
> > Sri Lanka
> >
> > List of Countries for ASEAN +3:
> >
> > Brunei Darussalam
> > Cambodia
> > China
> > Indonesia
> > Japan
> > Democratic People's Republic of Korea
> > Republic of Korea
> > Lao PDR
> > Malaysia
> > Mongolia
> > Myanmar
> > Philippines
> > Singapore
> > Thailand
> > Timor Leste
> > Viet Nam
> >
> > List of Countries for the Pacific:
> >
> > Australia
> > Cook Islands
> > Fiji
> > Federated States of Micronesia
> > French Polynesia
> > Kiribati
> > Nauru
> > New Caledonia
> > New Zealand
> > Niue
> > Palau
> > Papua New Guinea
> > Republic of Marshall Islands
> > Solomon Islands
> > Tokelau
> > Tonga
> > Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands
> > Tuvalu
> > Vanuatu
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
> > DIGITALDIVIDE@mailman.edc.org
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> > with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the
> message.
> >
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