Hi everyone,

I've just set up three Katrina-related news feeds. Each one is aggregating content from news wire services, newspapers, blogs and other online communities. I've broken down the feeds into three major categories: Missing and Found Persons, News and Blogs. Here are the links, along with their RSS feeds, in case you wish to use them in an RSS reader; they're also listed in the "related links" section of the right column. -andy

Katrina Missing/Found Persons Digest
(sources: Craigslist, Nowpublic.com, NOLA.com)
RSS: http://app.feeddigest.com/digest3/NISXSWRCYF.rss

Katrina News Digest
(Sources: Yahoo! News, NOLA.com, the Sun Herald, the Times-Picayune, etc)
RSS: http://app.feeddigest.com/digest3/XGLM0GL614.rss

Katrina Blogosphere Digest
(Sources: Technorati searches for "Katrina," "Hurricane," "New Orleans," etc)
RSS: http://app.feeddigest.com/digest3/OQTOVYUXOL.rss

Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com

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