I just finished watching the video blog Rocketboom and their take on Katrina. I'm practically speechless.

Rocketboom is produced daily by Amanda Congdon and Andrew Baron. Normally it is a newscast made up of quirky short stories. Today it is quite different, all dedicated to a story of one woman's plight in New Orleans. It is not a true story - it is a performance done by Amanda. But that doesn't mitigate how extraordinary it is.


If there's anyone who questions the role video bloggers can play in making a difference in this godforsaken mess, please watch this video. It captures the helplessness and anguish of its victims better than pretty much anything I've seen on the news this week. It makes me proud to be a video blogger.


Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com

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