Dear Colleagues,

I hope that you will heed this call from my esteemed colleague David
Geilhufe!  He is the founder of the Social Source Foundation
<>, and well-qualified to tackle
the knowledge-management issues raised by the current humanitarian

Many thanks from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

-----original message-----
From: David Geilhufe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 3, 2005 4:05 PM
Subject: Katrina: Gave money already? Give your time right now online.
To: undisclosed-recipients

A significant problem for refugees is that information on people is
spread all over the web. If I was looking for a loved one, I could
search 20 websites and still miss and entry about them. There are a
number of technical solutions people are working on right now, but the
old fashioned grassroots approach may be best.

Can you spare one hour today and enter missing persons data from
forums accross the web into the database at http:// ? We have people working on importing the
major online databases on the web (Red Cross, Gulf Coast News, etc.)
in addition to your data entry.

The first thing we need is community leaders that can help coordinate
a massively parallel data entry effort so that thousands of volunteers
can enter information from message boards across the web without too
much duplication of effort.

The thing we need to resolve first is how to coordinate such a
significant effort.

Go to   where you
will be coordinating the volunteer effort.

Please publicize this message far and wide.

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