Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Invites Applications for  Innovation Fund
 Deadline: October 3, 2005
 The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
 ( http://www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/ ) has announced  the third
year of its Innovation Fund. The fund provides  one-time grants to spark
the creation or expansion of  innovative education programs focusing on
a particular  field each year. The priority area for 2006 is mentorship
or internship programs serving high-achieving,
 low- to moderate-income high school or college students.
 The foundation invites brief proposals for grants that  will support
new or existing programs that provide  individualized mentorships and/or
internships serving  high-achieving, low- to moderate-income high school
or  college-age students.
 Successful applicants will demonstrate that their programs  focus on
students who achieve at high levels in their  communities (as opposed to
students needing remedial  support); serve a significant proportion of
low- to  moderate-income students in the program; provide students  with
personalized interaction with one or more individuals  successful in
their fields; and seek to deliver a program  demonstrably related to
education/academic support or  career performance/exploration (as
opposed to programs  designed primarily to provide caring adult
 Each grant will total up to $150,000, cover one or two  years of
program work, and is non-renewable. The foundation  anticipates awarding
three grants, which will be announced  in March 2006.
 For complete information about the Innovation Fund, an  FAQ, and
application materials, see the Jack Kent Cooke  Foundation Web site.
 RFP Link:
[from the RFP Bulletin (September 9, 2005)]


Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, MSLIS
Community Outreach Liaison
National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region
Creighton University Health Sciences Library
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
http://nnlm.gov/mcr/ (NN/LM MCR Web Site)
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