cedar pruitt has done a superb job and i sure hope there are ways to
bring her back to DDN sometime. her talents have made the DDN web site
the jewel it is.

     i think sustainability of DDN could occur via an optional dues
structure. those able and willing to pay annual dues could choose a
level that fits them -- $15/year, $25/year or $50/year.

     given the 8000 members registered on the DDN web site, if even 1/4 of
these people chose to pay dues, that would be a good step forward.
the basic site and email list would remain free and open to the

     DDN has proven its value to me several times over. i've met new
colleagues that will remain lifelong friends, i've gotten answers to
questions that i would not be able to get eleswhere, i've grown in my
knowledge and understanding via the DDN email list and i've found
camaraderie that spans across oceans and national borders.

      i do also hope that the new google foundation might step up to the
plate in this field. they announced that the foundation would be up
and running before the end of 2005. when they are up and running,
their web site will be http://www.google.org

    presumably they might have some interest in the digital divide.

            - phil

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