Just an aside to this discussion, which is interesting and to the
point of digital divide and digital elite issues:

Many people considering digital divide issues are also concerned with
energy and sustainability. Is airline travel, in which each individual
is responsible for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
equivalent to a year's worth of driving, compatible with this?

(clearly the amount of energy required is dependent on distances
traveled, but you get my point)


> John is absolutely on target.
> The original argument in the development community was bandwidth and the
> exclusion of those who couldn't participate- but even fewer can participate
> in a f-t-f except those who are funded to do ict4d.
> Taran is on target too. Actually, there are many virtual conferences that
> have been arranged using a variety of vehicles and in all sectors.
> Could it be that it is the digital immigrants who control what should be
> run by digital natives using a variety of excuses to avoid loss of control?
> thoughts?
> tom abeles
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: John Hibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 07:51:01 -0700
> Subject: [DDN] Virtual conferences
> At 3:26 PM -0500 9/15/05, Taran Rampersad wrote:
> >John Hibbs wrote:
> >Why is an ICT conference not held virtually? Why do I have to travel
> >  to Washington to participate? or listen? or view? What century do we
> >  live in?
> 15 Sep 2005 15:26:11 -0500 Taran Rampersad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >So that's where I left my drum! :-) Maybe it's just not easy enough
> >for people to organize a conference virtually yet... or maybe they
> >don't know how easy it is?
> Subscribers to the leading listserv in the distance education world
> have heard me beat this drum for almost a decade. The largest, most
> prestigious (?) distance ed conferences have very little virtual
> component; yet the leaders talk the talk about the wonders of their
> deliveries. My wee voice has been a lonely one.
> Perhaps the DDN should take up one more cudgel  -- that it should
> beat up on those who hold large physical conferences advocating ICT;
> but are unwilling to offer same virtually? If we at the "leading
> edge" don't walk the walk -- who will?
> --
> John W. Hibbs
> http://www.bfranklin.edu/johnhibbs
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