I struggle with this $100 dollar initiative because I know that in many 
countries, onehundred US dollars is a LOT of money. There were some initiatives 
that were a locational resource that served whole villages through UNESCO.

If the world were a village of 1,000 people ... 

Dona Meadows
 If the world were a village of 1,000 people, it would include:

·  584 Asians
·  124 Africans
·  95 East and West Europeans
·  84 Latin Americans
·  55 Soviets (including for the moment Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and 
other national groups)
·  52 North Americans
·  6 Australians and New Zealanders

The people of the village have considerable difficulty in communicating:

·  165 people speak Mandarin
·  86 English
·  83 Hindi/Urdu
·  64 Spanish
·  58 Russian
·  37 Arabic
That list accounts for the mother tongues of only half the villagers.  The 
other half speak (in descending order of frequency) Bengali, Portuguese, 
Indonesian, Japanese, German, French and 200 other languages.

In this village of 1,000 there are:

·  329 Christians (among them 187 Catholics, 84 Protestants, 31 Orthodox)
·  178 Moslems
·  167 "non-religious"
·  l32 Hindus
·  60 Buddhists
·  45 atheists
·  3 Jews
·  86 all other religions

You must read on to learn about the technology bits. Bonnie

bbracey at aol com
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