
October 24th - New Special Report  -  Information Society: The Next Steps


The Information Society has produced a tantalizing array of new information and 
communication technologies (ICT) that have transformed today's approach to 
development. Access to these technologies is spreading rapidly. This year, the 
number of Internet users in developing countries is crossing the 500 million 
mark, surpassing industrial nations for the first time. By some estimates, more 
than 75% of the world's population now lives within range of a mobile network. 
Yet the long-heralded promise of ICT remains far out of reach for most of the 
developing world. For the information poor, economic and social gaps are in 
fact widening - both within and between countries. Following on the World 
Summit on Information Society (WSIS) of December 2003, WSIS Phase II in 
November 2005 will assess progress and prompt further global action to capture 
the promise of ICT for all. This Special Report "Information Society: Next 
Steps" looks at how the ICT landscape is changing in the developing world and 
what lies ahead. Experts from governments, donors, NGOs and the private sector 
speak out about effective policies, promising applications and innovative 
business models. The online report includes:


- Interviews with experts on how to create an effective enabling environment 
for ICT for development and how to finance it;

- collections of documents, research and statistics on tools and applications 
that can benefit developing countries, found on the Development Gateway portal 
and other websites; and

- a unique section devoted to the "voices" of those developing and using ICT 
from both the North and South, relating stories contributed through a recent 
Development Gateway survey of our members.


Interviews with the following people, among others, will be featured:

- Charles Geiger, Executive Director, WSIS Executive Secretariat

- Pierre Guislain, Manager of Global ICT Division, World Bank Group

- Aimal Marjan, National ICT Advisor, Afghan Ministry of Communication

- Sam Pitroda, Chairman of Indian Knowledge Commission

- Danilo Piaggesi, Chief of IT for Development Division, Inter-American 
Development Bank

- M. S. Swaminathan, Founder, Swaminathan Research Foundation

- Jimmy Wales, Co-Founder, Wikipedia


Read the Special Report October 24, 2005 - January 15, 2006 



Nadia Afrin

Content Coordinator

Development Gateway

Phone: 202 572 9258


ICT for Development http://topics.developmentgateway.org/ict

E-government http://topics.developmentgateway.org/e-government

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