Dear Andy,
  Thank you so much for sharing with us notes from the WSIS in Tunis.  
  More power!
  Josie Cacdac
  Programs Director
  Informatics Indonesia

Andy Carvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Notes from opening remarks from Tunisian President Ben Ali this morning 
at the World Summit on the Information Society. I did my best to get 
exact quotes but wasn't always able to, so please don't treat this is 

Today, by the grace of God, we open the proceedings of the Tunis phase 
of the World Summit on the Information Society....

We are firmly convinced at building a knowledge and communication 
society for a brighter future of all humanity....

This [digital] divide is growing wider... The digital divide is 
essential a development disparity before it is a technological gap. The 
need of the least developed countries is growing increasing urgent, 
particularly in the role of ICTs in education, higher education, 
science, health, culture and other fields.... These technological 
developments have confronted humanity with a set of challenges... We 
must strive to... a new approach to international cooperation. We also 
look forward to the adoption of practical decisions and proposals to 
solve the questions put forth by the information society.

These last few years have witnessed the emergence of some types of use 
that shake confidence... in networks. Some arouse racism, hatred... 
terrorism... Some others disseminate discriminations and falsehoods... 
and the illegal use of databases.... Without restrictions or 
constraints, we find it necessary to establish universal standards... of 
modern communication means.

The information society offers individuals large freedoms in the use of 
networks... for the expression of opinions.... Still, this society 
requires individuals to commit to responsible use.

The effects of the digital divide go beyond social aspects... such as 
cultural diversity, which represents humanity's true wealth. 
Communication among languages... now depends on their ability to be 
available in the virtual space. Statistics show that the current use of 
languages on the Internet does not reflect cultural diversity...

The first phase of WSIS has offered us the opportunity to examine 
relevant issues and look into the ways and means whereby we'll be able 
to meet challenges faced by humanity in the ICT field.... Intensive 
consultants have been held on pending issues.... Regional meetings 
have... helped enrich dialogue on Internet government and bridging the 
digital divide.

The Internet is one of the most important pending issues that need a 
consensus in order to serve the needs of all humanity.... as regards to 
the digital divide, there is a need today... for the establishment of a 
clear, prospective approach outlining an equitable knowledge society, 
allowing all people to have access to information and communication 

Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
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