Next October we will hold our tenth Global Learn Day - a 24 hour marathon that features exceptional people from 24 time zones. We think it's the other side of the Earth Day coin - that "learning" is as important as environmental protection, and just as central to it.

The two biggest problems we face are tied to each other. We don't have a large audience -(by "large" I think we need an audience of at least a million); and, because we don't have a "large" audience, we can't get the funding that is necessary to bring this event off professionally.

I have personally come to the conclusion that Global Learn Day should be one of four or five other Very Important Events - and that all of them should be put on by a full time, paid professional staff -- drawn from people of a kind that subscribe to this list.

I have also come to the conclusion that community radio is the key to "large" audiences; and that is why we formed The Dublin Bunch - please visit our blog at

What other four or five events should this group support/advance? A good question, but I would argue for these
Youth Day
Earth Day
Learn Day
Webheads and ESL

I'd encourage those who have an interest in this to write to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] - and/or leave comments at the Dublin Bunch blog site. Community radio may well be the most promising tool we have to narrow the divide. How do we find the path to get hundreds of community radio stations to broadcast our messages?

John Hibbs

At 1:33 PM -0600 11/30/05, Michael Maranda wrote:
Greetings all,

Dec 1 is World AIDS Day, and there are little things one can do to increase
awareness, such as including a button on your website…

<a href=""; title="Link to the
official World AIDS Day website"><img
src=""; width="120"
height="40" border="0" alt="Support World AIDS Day" /></a>

As important as this is, among many important things in the world, that
require resources and attention, I am also interested in hearing about these
and other strategies for communicating a cause to the wider public…  (other
campaigns of note:  "Make Poverty History"…)

What campaigns are we involved in related to Digital Divide issues, and how
might we coordinate them?  What dates are significant for our field that we
might make use of?

snip snip

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