Hi All

*Background to my question*:
A month ago, the Swiss Federal Council (government) should have issued its "Strategy for Information Society" report. It didn't. According to a well-informed source, the Swiss government chose to shelf the report in favor "Swiss epower: une initiative du Parlement et de l'économie" <http://www.epower-initiative.ch> instead. It seems extremely likely that this initiative indeed replaces the official "Strategy for Information Society" report, because Federal Councelor Joseph Deiss is among the first signatories of the initiative and he made a speech at its launching.

*How come the PDF of the declaration "stutters" when copied into a text file* Given the influence "Swiss epower" will probably wield, I wanted to make a page about for the ADISI site, www.adisi.ch. But when I try to copy from the PDF of the Declaration (German version) into any kind of textual file, the result is (sample):

"1 Warum die Schw Schwei eiz „e z ePow Power“ bra er“ braucht ucht
Wir alle wissen es und h hören es täglich: Mit mehr Wachstum wären viele anstehende ören Prob- Probleme einfacher zu lösen leme lösen. Wenn die . Schweiz tat tatsächli ächlich ein h eine „Wissensg e Wissensgesellschaft“ esellschaft“ sein will, dann muss ein wesentlicher Teil die dieses angestr es angestrebten Wach ebten Wachstums von Seiten der Inf stums Informatik ormatik
und Teleko Telekommunikation kommen. mmunikation (...)"

whereas in the PDF, the same passage reads:

"1 Warum die Schweiz „ePower“ braucht. Wir alle wissen es und hören es täglich: Mit mehr Wachstum wären viele anstehende Probleme einfacher zu lösen. Wenn die Schweiz tatsächlich eine „Wissensgesellschaft“ sein will, dann muss ein wesentlicher Teil dieses angestrebten Wachstums von Seiten der Informatik und Telekommunikation kommen." (cleaned version of the above, to show what I read in the PDF)

How come some parts ("Wir alle wissen es" .... "sein will, dann muss ein wesentlicher Teil")*don't* stutter?
What could be the cause of the stuttering in the rest?
I.e. can one intentionally scramble a PDF in order to make its conversion to text stutter in this manner? Or is it just the result of a faulty PDF-writing program, or of an incompetent use of the PDF-writing program?

If this declaration is to replace the Swiss government's report on Strategy for Information Society, it is an important document for Swiss citizens and denizens.

Thank you in advance for your answers. If this "Swiss epower" declaration becomes the official Swiss strategy on information society, the impossibility to convert it to text clearly - whether intentional or due to incompetence - is not very reassuring.

And it is not the only disturbing element: the "Swiss epower" declaration can be signed online at <http://www.epower-initiative.ch>, but a) there is no declaration of privacy as to what will happen with the entered data anywhere in the site and b) there is no confirmation request automatically sent by e-mail, just a page saying that the data entered will be checked before your name appears on the page (1)

Have a great week-end


(1) I know because I tested the signing form by entering Name: "Pinocchio" - Surname: "Justtestingyourform", but indicating a real e-mail address and no automatic confirmation request arrived there.
Claude Almansi
Castione, Switzerland
claude.almansi @ bluewin.ch

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