Hi everyone,

I've just posted a blog entry in response to recent posts by Wesley Fryer and Miguel Guhlin regarding online censorship in schools. Some school districts in Texas and elsewhere have started blocking all Web content that uses the word [EMAIL PROTECTED] (replace the @ with an "a" and you'll know the word I mean - I don't want this message blocked by filters either.) This website has become a magnet of controversy as of late, and it's reached the point where mere mention of it is taboo. This filtering is preventing educational bloggers and teachers from discussing [EMAIL PROTECTED] in any context, whether it relates to child safety, media literacy or another topic. Miguel has even started to organize an online protest campaign.

A bit from my blog:

As Miguel notes on his blog, important educational blogs like Wesley's site and the techLEARNING blog are getting censored arbitrarily because they are trying to raise awareness about sites like [EMAIL PROTECTED], encouraging critical examinations by educators and a greater emphasis on media literacy. To engage in a constructive debate about sites like this, you have to mention them. And preferably link to them. And these acts are getting bloggers banned by schools.

While I strongly am against any form of censorship, I am thoroughly disgusted by school districts that allow their filters to prevent educators from engaging in professional discourse. I have lost track of the number of times that I've posted a message to my WWWEDU discussion list and received a bunch of autoreplies from school districts saying that teachers there won't be reading my post because they contain "inappropriate content." Usually, these posts have to do with cases of school filtering censorship, controversial sites like [EMAIL PROTECTED] or other media literacy-related challenges faced by the modern educator. The filtering software used to supposedly protect children is preventing educators from taking an active role in understanding and discussing the complexities of Internet use in the classroom. Schools may claim "in loco parentis" when describing filters used to protect children. But what are they trying to protect teachers from? Being better users of technology? Being responsible, informed educators?

...The whole thing reminds me of Those We Don't Speak Of, the mysterious creatures in M. Night Shyamalan's film, The Village. The parents of the village were so paranoid about their children coming to harm's way that they wouldn't even say the name of the creatures that were supposedly lurking in the local forest. We seem to have reached that point in education - where politicians and administrators are so paranoid that educators can't even speak the names of things that may lurk in the virtual forest, lest their students be corrupted by mere mention of them....

The Internet is indeed our civic space - my space, your space. *Our space.* How can educators educate our children to use the Internet as responsible 21st century citizens when we can't even speak about the things that might affect them?

Read the full blog entry:


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Andy Carvin
acarvin (at) edc . org
andycarvin (at) yahoo . com

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