One other interesting tidbit - fixed wireless now accounts for 8% of broadband access. This is pretty big for those of us in the wireless isp business, since we never even registered on the radar for these kind of studies before. A substantial chunk of this is unlicensed and NOT provided by telco or cablecos.
Matt Larsen

Andy Carvin wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've just posted an overview of the latest report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, which focuses on home broadband access in the US and who's posting content to the Internet. Broadband access is up across the board, with middle income family access growing at the fastest rate. English-speaking Latinos are now almost as likely (41%) to have broadband at home as white families (42%), while African American families lag a bit behind (31%). Income and education levels continue to remain major barriers, though growth was seen at all levels. DSL access has become more affordable, though many more households cite speed as their reason for getting broadband (57%) compared to the lowering of cost (3%), suggesting that more people are willing to pay for it in order to gain the benefits of high-speed access.

To me, though, the most interesting part of the report focuses on online content publishing. Overall, 35% of Internet users - 48 million people - have posted content to the Internet. Broadband users are more likely to post online content than dialup users - 42% versus 27%. This is especially true of bloggers and people who manage their own websites. While an average of eight percent of Internet users publish their own blog, 11% of broadband users had blogs, compared to only four percent of dialup users. And amazingly, lower-income users were a bit more likely to post content online than higher-income users, while whites _lagged_ behind African Americans and English-speaking Latinos - 32%, 39% and 42% respectively.

You can download the 26-page report here:

My overview of it can be found here:

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