Ken -

If we didn't have to prove over and over again that we have the right to use
our version of Windows (or whatever) I would have such a beef.  Plus, it is
difficult to respect Microsoft's intellectual property when MS itself runs
roughshod over other entities property and does it's best to stifle
competition while treating honest consumers like crooks.

It isn't that we have to prove things - that's fine - but we have to do it
over and over and over.  I should not have to call MS every time I need to
reinstall XP (or whatever) on my machine.

Also, I think that their dishonesty about how they are beta testing WGA is
more than an image issue.  It goes to the heart of how they do business.
They get away with whatever they can, ethics or fair play be damned, and
that isn't kosher if they expect the computing public to respect their
intellectual property and play fair.

That said, IMO, their model is so bad, the marketplace will take care of
them eventually.  My guess is that the moment someone comes up with a
desktop version of Linux that really has the same flexibility and ease of
use as Windows, Windows will be toast.  Looking at the minimum specs for
Vista, I wonder how well it will do.  We'll see.

I understand intellectual property laws, but there are limits, especially
when we are not talking about commercial reproduction.  Squeezing every last
penny out of something isn't always good business beyond the PR aspects of
the matter.

I'm just tired of being treated like a crook when in fact I'm as honest
about buying licensed software as you are. There really has to be a better

Jesse Sinaiko
Chicago, IL

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