Dear Friends,

Here is an announcement about a youth HIV/AIDS best-practices handbook, which I 
thought to send to DDN because the use of ICTs was crucial to its development, 
and will be in terms of its continuing dissemination. The partners--including 
my own nonprofit, ActALIVE--posted to 30 or so eforums to gather the 
information, and to e-bulletin boards at TIG and elsewhere, and we searched 
through online databases of youth activists in Africa (at TakingITGlobal, the 
African Regional Youth Initiative, and the Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS), 
to whom we did outreach.

In total, the practices cover 95 projects in 25 countries, and we plan the same 
effort for follow-on editions, which we will disseminate in part via ICTs and 
e-media. A PDF and CD-ROM are already available, and a website presence is in 
the works, as well as a print edition, which will hopefully be available for 
the official Handbook launch at the upcoming International AIDS Conference in 

One challenge will be to make this resource known and to disseminate it those 
with no access to ICTs. Suggestions in that regard are most welcome! Since ICTs 
have been shown to be highly effective means of communicating HIV/AIDS info to 
youth, we hope to narrow the digital divide to ensure that more receive this 
life-enhancing and life-saving material.

With thanks and here's to "practices" making for "perfect" health!  Janet 

African Youth HIV/AIDS Best Practices Handbook Launch, August 15, 2006 Toronto

ActALIVE (, the Standing Committee on Reproductive 
Health and HIV/AIDS-International Federation of Medical Students' Associations 
(IFMSA-SCORA, at, and Development Partnership International 
(DPI)( are pleased to invite you to the 
formal launch of the first edition of the African Youth HIV/AIDS Best Practices 

The session is scheduled as follows: 

Venue: Global Village Youth Pavilion, International AIDS Conference, Toronto
Date: Tuesday August 15, 2006
Time: 12.45- 2.15pm

The African Youth HIV/AIDS Best Practices Handbook is a compendium of 95 
youth-led and youth-focused HIV/AIDS projects from 25 countries in Africa. It 
is intended to showcase the outstanding work of African youth to stop the 
spread of HIV/AIDS, and to provide best-practices examples which can be 
replicated locally in Africa, and hopefully globally. This should help to 
encourage further education and prevention efforts, promote African youth 
leadership to curb the pandemic, and create as well as sustain opportunities 
for the participation of African youth in local, national, regional, and 
international efforts to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS.  Use of the arts, media, 
and ICTs are all featured in the Handbook, as are some practices created and 
implemented with adult allies.

Kindly contact Adebayo Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call +234 84 751 002 for more information. We look forward 
to welcoming you at the launch. 

Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima 
Director, Development Partnership International
4 Eleme/Onne Road off Eleme Junction, 
Port Harcourt 500001 NIGERIA 
Phone: +234 84 751 002 
Fax: +234 84 751 002 
Mobile: +234 805 518 2526 
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