This is good news. I am interested in how this will work. How will
wikipedia be deployed? Will this be by CD? The reason I am asking this
is because I am involved in running a project that aims to upgrade the
skills of 22,000 nurses in Kenya from Certificate to Diploma level
through e-learning. The upgrading has previously been done through
traditional classroom teaching meaning we could only upgrade a few
nurses per year since they had to leave their work stations thus
affecting the delivery of health services. I would be interested in
installing wikipedia in stand alone machines that are used for this
purpose. Since we do not have Internet access and the course is CD
based, there is a shortage of reference material. Wikipedia could go a
long way in enabling us alleviate this problem. I would also be
interested in any other relevant materials you may know about that we
can deploy.


Martin Kinyua
Assistant Project Manager, E-Learning
African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)
Nairobi, Kenya

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Carvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 5:02 PM
To: The Digital Divide Network discussion group; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [DDN] Jimmy Wales announces Wikipedia/$100 laptop alliance,
Wikiversity, Wikiwyg

Today at the second annual Wikimania conference, Wikipedia founder Jimmy

Wales announced that MIT's $100 laptops will all include a copy of 
Wikipedia. He also announced the launch of Wikiversity, an online 
community for generating learning materials, and Wikiwyg, a easy-to-use 
interface for editing Wikipedia, developed in conjunction with

More here:

Andy Carvin
acarvin (at) edc . org
andycarvin (at) yahoo . com
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