Introducing DUnit 0.2, with even more inconsistent capitalization!

Wow, it's been ages. I've been working off trunk so long I didn't realize there was a 0.1 release.


We've come a long way in the past eight months. About as long as I could have come in two weeks, if I were paying attention mostly to dunit.

It's mostly been minor fixes to formatting, stability, that sort of thing. That old bug where interfaces don't implicitly cast to Object caused a fair number of headaches. But that's all water under the bridge (for now).

I've added junit-esque xml output. If I can wade through the acre-feet of XML required to create a build script that CruiseControl can handle, dunit will have CC integration. I'd rather use CruiseControl.NET, but it doesn't run well on Mono.

Dunit's assertions have improved a bit since our last release. Or so I imagine. I can't recall at the moment exactly how.

And in the past day or so, with the talk of what people find lacking in D's unittest{} blocks, I've been addressing a couple of the lacking features in Dunit. For instance, you can get a list of tests that are defined (useful for IDE integration -- like that'll ever happen) and filter out tests based on a regular expression (or rather, filter them in).

So, yeah, check out the documentation, give it a spin, what have you. The documentation's new and improved. Some longer examples would be nice, I grant.

Anyway, here it is: -- wiki -- direct download link

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